You turned things from impossible to possible


Dear Annka,
I met you in 2014, at the beginning of my carrier in Finland and Aalto University, Department of Design. My research interest was investigating immigration and integration services across Finland. Between years 2014 and 2016 we collaborated on several workshops and the pioneering project named TEMWSIT that I conducted for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and Aalto University.
You were the main power behind the TEMWISIT project, which aimed at redesigning Finnish immigration and integration services. During this project, you had tremendous trust in my capabilities and me, as a young researcher who came to this country. You were a person with a vision and believes that things can get done. You were a great networker with strategic thinking, organiser, traveller, wonderful mentor, who was able to comfort me in a stressful situation. You were full of life's experiences and wisdom. Gazing academic papers, you wrote some of the key literature in the field of immigration in Finland. You were someone who turned things from impossible to possible. People like you are rare and therefore very precious. You have done so much for this country to be a more welcoming place for immigrants.
Finally, if I just think how many recommendation letters you wrote for my numerous grants and academic job applications. In autumn, I wanted to propose you a new study, which will be investigating the influences of TEMWISIT project on the immigrants' immigration and integration; sadly this would not happen now.
I will miss you tremendously on many levels. I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to work with you, as well as being your friend.
Many thanks for the last lunch that we had at your new home; I am so sorry that you need to leave so early. 

Helena Sustar
Postdoctoral researcher
Aalto University 

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